Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 14th, 2011: Yes I Have Been Busy! Ish.

   This painting is a commission I did for a friend, to be a graduation gift for another friend. So really, I was doing it for two friends- only, one got the painting, and the other did not. I will see what I can do for the paintingless friend in the future. ;)
   This painting is part of a style I seem to be developing: sketchy, impressionistic I suppose, and more contrasting. I like it. It's fun. I also actually really truly like this painting; which is odd, because I hardly ever like my work. It was rather painful to give up.

Hmm... how about another St. Therese quote I reread last night- I think it is rather perfect:

My joy I find in pain and loss,
I love the thorns that guard the rose;
With joy I kiss each heavy cross,
And smile with every tear that flows.
-St. Therese

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